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Writer's pictureGlenn Crumpler - CFC

A Nation Without God is a Nation Without Hope

Perhaps you are not familiar with what we in the cow/calf business refer to as a “Free-martin heifer.” This is a physiological and hormonal deformity that causes infertility in the female cattle born twin to a male. When a heifer twin shares the uterus with a bull fetus, they also share the placental membranes connecting the fetuses with their mama. This causes the exchange of fluids (blood and antigen carrying characteristics) that are unique to each sex.

When these antigens mix, they affect each other in a way that causes each to develop with some characteristics of the other sex. Though the bull calf is rarely significantly affected, the heifer calf’s reproductive organs are deformed or underdeveloped and she is almost certain to be infertile and unable to reproduce. In other words, no matter how beautiful she may be or how deep her pedigree, she is missing the internal organs that are critical to her reproductivity and she is totally useless as a mama cow to give new life and is only suitable for slaughter.


The free-martins that I have had have been really nice and normal looking heifers on the outside. Though I have tried a few times to beat the odds, I have never had one that would conceive and have a live baby calf. Each one has gone to slaughter, so now I do not waste the time or effort to even ‘try’ to get one bred—it is indeed a futile and hopeless venture because the critically needed ovaries required for success are missing or malformed.


This just begs the question: Why would any person or any nation try to get where they want to be as a people; whether it be economically, culturally, morally, relationally, ethically, militarily, etc., without the one criteria that history has proven repeatedly, (and) the Word of God says is unquestionably and absolutely necessary for us to be successful?  


We want our economy to recover and flourish as it once did. We want manufacturing and industry to prosper here at home. We want our children to be happy, safe, well educated and be able to live and enjoy life in a society free of drugs, crime, moral corruption and the influence of sexual perversity. We want them to be able to once again walk or ride their bikes to school and know that they are safe. We want to be able to turn on the television and not have to worry about what will be said or taught in a cartoon or family show that is perverse and offensive to what we know to be right, moral, respectable and Godly. We want our military men and women to be well trained, equipped and ready to do whatever is needed, but for war to be an extreme and rare event and not a part of everyday life.

It would be so nice to be able to once again go to bed and not have to lock your doors, to go to town and be able to leave your keys and your valuables in the front seat or the bed of the truck, knowing that nobody would take what was not theirs. I remember when children were taught to love and respect one another and especially their elders—they said yes sir and no sir, please and thank you. I remember when life was respected, treasured and valued and when no one would consider killing an unborn baby just because it was an inconvenience or an embarrassment. I remember when a pre-marital pregnancy was indeed an embarrassment! I remember when a mother would gladly give her life to have the chance to give life to her baby instead of killing the baby just to keep from ‘risking’ her own life. I remember when the hopelessness that led to suicide and addictions of every kind was rare. Even during times of great economic depression, wars, droughts, etc., when people lost everything they had, they still had hope because they had a faith in God, a hope in God, or at least a spiritual foundation that allowed them to remember the promises of the Word of God that they had been taught at home and at ‘public’ school. I remember when we proudly and boldly prayed in times of trouble and celebration instead of shrinking back to just a ‘moment of silence’—which is just that: We don’t call out to God and God hears our silence! I remember when we proudly, respectfully and boldly said our pledge to allegiance, emphasizing that we were indeed “one Nation, under God”—We knew that it was only He who had blessed us, prospered us, created us, sustained us, and it was He who deserved our praise, our worship and our devotion.

I look back just in my lifetime and I see how far we have fallen, how drastically we have turned our backs on God—taking Him out of the picture, and how much our nation and world have suffered as a result. Without Him, we have no hope! Without Him, our decline and eventual destruction is inevitable. Our hope is not in our politicians, a sizzling economy or our military power. Our only hope is that we repent and turn back to obedience and faith in God through the shed blood of Jesus Christ and once again allow Him to be the Lord of our lives.

Listen to Psalms 33:12-22: “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord, the people he chose for his inheritance. From heaven the Lord looks down and sees all mankind, from His dwelling place he watches all who live on earth—He who forms the hearts of all, who considers everything they do. No king is saved by his great strength. A horse is a vain hope for deliverance; despite all its great strength it cannot save.   But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear Him, on those whose hope is in His unfailing love, to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine. We wait in hope for the Lord; He is our help and our shield. In Him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in His holy name. May your unfailing love rest upon us, O Lord, even as (in proportion to the extent) we put our hope in You.”

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