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The information below will provide you with a brief overview of each (Mega Voice) CFC TRAILBLAZER line of players, optional accessories, and a description of a small sample of the thousands of audio messages that are currently available in over 4,700 different languages and dialects and ready to download from the MegaVoice library onto the CFC TRAILBLAZERs players. Click here to view a list of the most popular audio messages.


Optional Earbuds, Speaker Cases, AC Chargers and other accessories are also available.

CFC Trailblazer

CFC Trailblazer Dual

CFC Trailblazer SideKick

CFC Trailblazer Scout



Below are some of the most popular audio messages that can be loaded on the CFC TRAILBLAZER players:


  • New Testaments (currently available in over 240 languages and/or various translations.)

  • Full Bibles (currently available in over 40 languages and/or various translations.)

  • Mini Bible College (approx 4 years of excellent life application Bible studies.  221 lessons from Gen-Rev) Each lesson is 22-27 minutes in length. This is an excellent resource for evangelism, discipleship, pastor training, church planting and for conducting services in house church type settings.  90 Old Testament survey lessons, 90 New Testament survey lessons, 30 lessons on the Sermon on the Mount and 11 on Family and Marriage). 

  • The Father's Love Letter (A love letter to you from Father God, a song from Jesus, and a prayer) written by Barry Adams of Excellent!!

  • The God Story (An 85 minute dramatized story the introduces God and the Bible: Creation to eternity)

  • The Story of Jesus (An 85 minute audio version of the Jesus Film: (A dramatized story from the Gospel of Luke) produced by Campus Crusade.


For over 15 years Cattle for Christ has been developing and working with 'strategic' partnerships both nationally and internationally where every ministry partner contributes to the work whatever they do best. This strategic and Biblical approach to ministry allows for each part of the Body of Christ to work together in unison to accomplish His purposes of making the Gospel and love of Christ known to all the nations--which is exactly what Jesus prayed for in John 17.


One of our newest partners, MegaVoice, shares our vision of taking the Word of God, the Gospel message and discipleship materials to all the world. Our partnership has given us access to our newest and most technologically advanced tools called the 'CFC TRAILBLAZER' line of solar powered audio players, which includes the CFC TRAILBLAZER SIDEKICK talking animals. As one of only 35 approved Media Centers in the world authorized to program, market and distribute these devices, Cattle for Christ now has access to the Mega Voice library of 18,000+ audio messages in over 4,700 languages and dialects that we can download to our players--and the library is growing monthly. We also have the ability to create our own custom audio messages and to download pre-recorded custom audio messages for your church, business, organization or institution.


The TRAILBLAZER players open doors for us like never before to work together to more effectively and strategically meet the spiritual and other needs of our own people, while also taking the Bible and other evangelistic and discipleship messages to places where few Christians are able to do so through traditional means. Since 80% of the world's population either cannot or do not read, audio Bibles help reach at least 80% more people than the written Word alone.


The CFC TRAILBLAZER players are very high quality, durable, weather resistant, lightweight, easily concealable and affordable, solar powered audio players capable of holding up to 1,600 hours of high quality audio, including the whole Bible and hundreds of hours of discipleship and Bible teaching lessons in the heart language of the hearers. No electricity or batteries are needed--just sunlight!


We are currently working to produce additional custom audio materials and have already secured copyright permission to use an existing audio (The Father's Love Letter) for the CFC TRAILBLAZER SIDEKICKS (Animal and player). 'The Father's Love Letter' was written by Barry Adams founder of who graciously allowed us to use the wonderful tool on our players as a standalone audio or in combination with our custom audios created to meet the needs of children living in crisis situations.


The custom messages will focus on specific crisis situations that children in America are facing such as cancer and other life threatening illnesses, abuse, foster care, divorce, grief, homelessness, etc.. The particular crisis situation can be addressed to help the child to heal and get through the trauma, while also learning about God's Word, His love, and the plans He has for their lives. Our prayer, our vision and our goal at Cattle for Christ is for every child in America to have one of these plush animals at the earliest age possible to hold and snuggle with as they listen to these life changing messages.


As you help us make the CFC SIDEKICKS available to minister to the needs of our own children in North America, you will also be helping us to provide these talking animals to millions of other children around the world who will also be able to hold an animal and hear the same or similar messages in their own language. We believe the CFC SIDEKICKS will raise up a whole new generation of children in America who not only learn to work through the trauma of their crisis situations, but who also come to know the love of the Lord and who surrender their lives to the Lordship of Jesus Christ 'before' they get involved in a hurtful and destructive life of sin.


The story or the history of this library and the CFC TRAILBLAZER players are a very good example of how God orchestrates His plans and how He intends for the Body of Christ to work together. The are also the result of a lot of hard work by the MegaVoice team and years of work by translators and other ministries and missionaries who worked to produce the audios. Many servants of God spent their entire lives to make the Word of God and Good News of Jesus Christ known throughout the world. Many started where there was not written language and they had to first develop an alphabet so that there could first be a written language, others then learned those languages and translated the Bible and other Christian resources in written format, others then spent years recording the written resources into audio format----all this going on while MegaVoice worked to invent and produce these quality players to record the audios so that Cattle for Christ, with your help, can get them to the people who need to hear!


At Cattle for Christ, we do not sell our CFC TRAILBLAZER players, but make them available for a minimum donation to the ministry of Cattle for Christ. The minimum donation for each product depends on the type player you choose, the programs downloaded, and the quantity needed. Our players are not for sale or resell. Our 'goal' is that for every player ordered in the North America, we will be able to purchase and distribute additional players internationally. Cattle for Christ International is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, non-denominational Christian ministry and all donations are income tax deductible as allowed by law.


We are also just now getting approval to provide these players to inmates in State and Federal prison systems.  You can click here to learn more about our new prison ministry. 


Please contact us today to see how you can donate to receive players for your own use, to give away to others, or for us to give away for you both here at home and internationally. 






We need and ask for your partnership and support.  Please Join Cattle for Christ International in ministering to the physical and spiritual needs of men, women and children both here at home and around the world.


You can provide cash and non-cash support to Cattle for Christ today by donating online including cattle, horses, feed, equipment, supplies, expertise and other contributions.














©2018 Cattle for Christ. All rights reserved.

This material may not be reproduced or distributed, in whole or in part, and is expressly prohibited without the prior written consent of Cattle for Christ International, Inc.

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